My Prayer

I am publishing this prayer because the Lord told me to that you may know my heart as my Father does.

 Gracious and Merciful Heavenly Father,

 True and righteous are Your ways.  There is none like You.  You have spoken and thus it shall be.  Your plans are unstoppable.  You established the way of Your creation and You have established that way by Your wisdom.  You and Your way is what I desire.  I yearn for You and that Your will be done in me.  I can do nothing apart from You.  Fill me with Your Spirit and power that I may fulfill that for which I have been created and called forth to perform.  I long for the church to become the body Christ in all fullness and might.  Let me be Your oracle declaring Your Word to Your people.  They have fallen away from what You intended them to be.  They have been overcome by the world rather than overcoming the world.  They deny Your power, Your gifts and signs and wonders, and have become but a shadow of what they were in the early church.  They should have grown stronger and more influential over the years instead they have grown weaker to the point of becoming mere background.  I want to be exactly the man You have called and anointed me to be.  You promised me another anointing that I have yet to receive.  Open my heart to receive it.  I am trying to do what You want of me but I know for certain that I cannot do it without You.  You and You alone can do through me what I believe that You are calling me to do.  I need You to provide the platform for me to speak.  No one knows me nor are they that anxious to hear me.  For sure I do not want to speak anything that does not come from You.  I know that Jesus was a poor carpenter, Peter a fisherman, and Paul a tent maker.  I thank You that You counted me faithful putting me into the ministry.  I am simply a pastor who served a small congregation as best as I could.  I give myself to You to do with as You please.  My life is meaningless and pointless without  You and whatever You want to do through me.  Not my will be done but Yours be done.  Please help me to see and hear clearly the leading of Your Holy Spirit and help me to walk in Your Spirit and not my flesh.  My heart cries for the intimacy I know that You desire with me.  Let my heart be one with Yours.  I love You Father God, and as Your son I want to walk in Your footsteps.

These days in which You have placed me are very perilous times.  I am sure that Jeremiah could relate.  And as Jeremiah I also feel inadequate.  The task ahead is difficult and apart from You impossible. I feel like a small fish in a large ocean but I know that as I obey You one step at a time I can accomplish whatever small or large deed that You give me.  You are my strength and high tower.  You are the One in Whom I can depend and trust.  Please gracious, merciful, heavenly Father hear my prayer and awaken Your church, Your body of believers, to hear Your voice and turn from their complacency and apathy.  Reveal to them who they are in Christ and cause them to rise up in power and become the overcomers You desire them to be.  Let Your true  prophets be heard as they stand as watchmen crying out Your warning.  Let Your people not be as ancient Israel who refused to heed the warning and fell under judgment.  Let Your Word be proclaimed and let Your people heed it.  This nation cannot be saved if Your people who are called by Your Name will NOT humble themselves and pray and seek Your face and turn from their wicked ways.  Then You will not hear from heaven, and not forgive their sin nor heal their land.

Lord, raise Your spiritual warriors to fight spiritual warfare as never before.  Let them take the delegated power and authority You have given believers to tear down the strongholds of the enemy.  Raise them up to tear down principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this age and the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.  Cause Your fire to burn in the bones of Your people, that they cannot keep from speaking the glories of Your kingdom.  Let Your glory be manifested through this earth as never before.  May the light of Your truth destroy the lies of darkness.  Let the deception of the enemy be revealed for what it is.  Let the evil systems and those who promote and financially support them be revealed and taken down.  In the Name of Jesus let the church arise and be the true body of Christ to this fallen world and overcome it in His Name.


In Jesus' Holy Name,










Confess and Repent


In This World Not of It